Welcome Esau.
Apart from the scriptures showing that Christ got his kingship when he returned to heaven in 33 CE, the 2520 years from 607 BCE to 1914 CE is calculated using 360 days for each year.
Where did 2520 x 5 days go?
is 607bc being a made up, “plug in” date the only thing that invalidates 1914 from being christ’s time of kingly rein?.
i mean, screw the math & bs formulas.
can 1914 simply work as a starting date for “the last days” simply by the events that occurred??
Welcome Esau.
Apart from the scriptures showing that Christ got his kingship when he returned to heaven in 33 CE, the 2520 years from 607 BCE to 1914 CE is calculated using 360 days for each year.
Where did 2520 x 5 days go?
thanks to atlantis and his sources, we are able to examine material from the alleged "faithful slave" which is intended only for the eyes of the shepherds wolves in the congregation.. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
all congregation accounts records covering the period since the last visit, which would include any bankbook being used and the records for any additional accounts being kept by the congregation.
(do you have excess money which should have been given to us?).
@ Toby - I was a "true" and zealous JW until recent years, but I started coming here when I began to realise that Watchtower truths and Bible truths were not the same thing - and crucially - I wasn't allowed to discuss such things with fellow JW's.
I hope and believe that other JW's who likewise seek answers to questions they dare not ask in their KH, will come to sites like this and ask for answers to their questions.
channel 9 news (a nation wide australian tv channel, plus the recently purchased fairfax newspapers) carried this story on the web news.it says in part:.
pope admits priests kept nuns in sexual slavery.
"pope francis has for the first time publicly acknowledged the scandal of priests and bishops sexually abusing nuns and says he is committed to doing more to fight the problem.
Maria Monk's book, "Awful Disclosures" was debunked as fiction, but it looks like there's no smoke without fire.
scandal in malta.
by paul j. bonanno and kent steinhaug.
it was, and still is, a fact well advertised by jehovah's witnesses (hereafter referred to as jw) that every member who works in their general headquarters (which is located in brooklyn, new york, america), and their other worldwide offices, receives only room, board and a few dollars per month.
Grazzi ħafna
w11 8/15 p. 22 questions from readers - “we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
the governing body does not keep a list of all partakers.. see this - s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
w11 8/15 p. 22 questions from readers - “we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
the governing body does not keep a list of all partakers.. see this - s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdf
w11 8/15 p. 22 Questions From Readers - “We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers.
See this - S-21-E Congregation's Publisher Record (2018-12).pdf
Date of birth:
Male - Female ?
Date immersed:
Other sheep ?
Anointed ?
Ministerial Servant?
Regular pioneer?
The GB would never lie to us - they're Christ's brothers. So was Satan! :)
thanks to atlantis and his sources, we are able to examine material from the alleged "faithful slave" which is intended only for the eyes of the shepherds wolves in the congregation.. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
all congregation accounts records covering the period since the last visit, which would include any bankbook being used and the records for any additional accounts being kept by the congregation.
(do you have excess money which should have been given to us?).
Thanks to Atlantis and his sources, we are able to examine material from the alleged "faithful slave" which is intended only for the eyes of the shepherds wolves in the congregation.
All congregation accounts records covering the period since the last visit, which would include any bankbook being used and the records for any additional accounts being kept by the congregation. (do you have excess money which should have been given to us?)
All Kingdom Hall Operating Committee accounts records covering the period since the last visit, which would include any bankbook being used. (do you have any more money which should have been given to us?)
the congregation’s financial support of Kingdom Hall and
Assembly Hall construction worldwide being reviewed annually, and
is the amount resolved reasonable and in accord with local
circumstances? (is your congregation paying enough to support all the paedophile lawsuits?) Have you verified that all elders, ministerial servants, and others in the congregation who have a particular skill and who have not submitted an Application to Become a Member of the Worldwide Order (A-8) within the last year or a Local Design/Construction Volunteer Application (DC-50) or an Application for Volunteer Program (A-19) within the last three years have completed the Skills Questionnaire (A-2)? (have you pressured every relevant publisher to work for the org for free?) |
single zipped folderhttps://we.tl/t-uiqj87wimd.
2019-02-02-musical preludeshttps://we.tl/t-zyfpnodizd.
s-21-e congregation's publisher record (2018-12).pdfhttps://we.tl/t-i9qamx3s0q.
Wonderful! Thanks Atlantis.
........or the law of the watchtower?.
the may 2019 watchtower actually tells you which one to obey: .
page 3, par.
........or the law of the Watchtower?
The May 2019 Watchtower actually tells you which one to obey:
Page 3, par. 7 - Lessons: Jesus’ teachings cover all aspects of life. So the law of the Christ governs what we do....We learn this law by reading the Christian Greek Scriptures [not WT litter-ature] and meditating on them. We obey this law by bringing our lives into harmony with the instructions, commands, and principles found in that inspired record. [not in WT litter-ature] When we obey the law of the Christ, we are obeying.....all that Jesus taught.
At Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus didn't say anything about elders being involved when someone commits a serious sin. In fact, Jesus explicitly stated that if a sin has been witnessed by someone, the matter should be resolved between the sinner and the witness alone. No one else was to be involved - especially not elders.
never said anything
about Christians having to confess to an elder - let alone three of them! Verse
is referring to other witnesses of the sin
- not witnesses of the accusation.
So from now on, will you sincerely obey the law of the Christ or the law of Warwick - and continue to gladly share the details of anyone's "sin" with the congregation's S.S?
the new study edition watchtower is up, and most of it is devoted to child abuse damage control.. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-may-2019/.
WT hiding behind the use of language again:
11 A Christian who gives in to wrong desire and commits a serious sin is spiritually sick.
A serious sin? It's a crime you idiots! It's child-rape.
13 Do elders comply with secular laws about reporting an allegation of child abuse to the secular authorities? Yes. In places where such laws exist, elders endeavour to comply with secular laws about reporting allegations of abuse.
Only in places where mandatory reporting exists? Elders will merely endeavour?